Author Archives: Janet Markman


The Amazing Acrobatic Eastern Gray Squirrel

What do you think about when you come across a squirrel? Cute, furry, indecisive (like when crossing the road), pesky?  Well nuts to you too! Squirrel are actually quite cleaver and adaptive. Just when my […]


Lapland Longspur, Ducks and more at Richard W. DeKorte Park on New Year’s Day

On January 1, 2017 – and with camera in hand – I kicked off the New Year off with a bird walk at Richard W. DeKorte Park in the Meadowlands, located in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. […]


A Greater White-fronted Goose visits Garret Mountain in Woodland Park, New Jersey

This past November, a Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons), normally seen West of the Mississippi River, made an unexpected appearance at Garret Mountain in Woodland Park, New Jersey. On November 2, 2016 I went to […]


Two Gray foxes rehabilitated and released back into the Wild at Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, in Medford, NJ.

Less than a month ago, on Thursday October 6, 2016, my husband Bob, and I, had the opportunity to witness an actual “3R” (Rescue, Rehab, and Release) of two Gray Foxes – one male, one […]


Meadowlands rare bird sighting – The Ruff.

A male Ruff (Philomachus Pugnax), a member of the sandpiper family (Scolopacidae), has recently been spotted in DeKorte Park – a portion of the Meadowlands in New Jersey  and owned/operated by the New Jersey Meadowlands […]


Wakodahatchee Wetlands and Green Cay Wetlands – 2 Palm Beach County success stories

A major issue confronting wildlife nowadays is habitat loss. However in Palm Beach County, Florida, wetlands were created from land that previously was being used for other purposes.  Today the Wakodahachtee Wetlands and Green Cay […]


Winter In Hatfield Swamp

Hatfield Swamp is nestled in between the towns of West Caldwell, Roseland and Fairfield in Essex County, New Jersey. This particular area that I enjoy exploring, has received quite bit of attention earlier this winter, […]


New Jersey bird feeding and survival tatics

Wow! New Jersey experienced some wild rollercoaster weather this winter – mild weather interspersed with freezing weather, and peppered with a few snow storms. Yet, our, feathered friends, who have evolved amazing adaptions for survival, […]


The Black Swallowtail is officially named New Jersey’s State Butterfly

It’s about time. On Monday, January 11, 2016 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed into law Bill S939 designating the Black Swallowtail (Papilio Polyxenes) as New Jersey’s official state butterfly. This bill had passed in […]